Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Week 9 Space + Art

This weeks lecture was about space and art as well as incorporating material and ideas from other weeks. In lecture Professor discussed the dominance of macro and micro research in space. She also noted the dominant role nano technology is playing in space exploration and research. In addition, space topics also incorporate mathematic ideas. Copernicus was the first scientist to map out the solar system by mathematical detail, combining science, space and math. His work was groundbreaking for scientists that studied space because he established the concept of the sun at the center of the solar system with the orbits of planted around the sun. 

(NASA is using a Nanosatelite in space for anti-satellite weapon countermeasure)

(Copernicus mathematical model of the solar system)

I also enjoyed the lecture that explained the origins of each planets names. Professor stated that each planet was named after Roman deities. Each planet, aside from Earth, were named after Greek and Roman god and goddesses. Mercury is the god of commerce and travel because of the way it moves so quickly across the sky. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty because of its brightness and beauty in the sky. Mars is the god of war, due to its red color. Jupiter is the king of the gods, because it is the largest planet in the solar system. Saturn is the god agriculture. Uranus is named after the Greek deity of the Heavens. Neptune was named after the Roman god of the sea, because of its stunning blue color. And finally, Pluto was named after the god of the underworld, due to the fact that its location is so far from the sun. I found the names of the planets really interesting because its something I have never thought about before. I think that Roman and Greek mythology connects with art because of its artistic and creative history. There are countless pictures, paintings, books, songs and movies about Greek and Roman mythology and love to see the way that it integrated with the naming of the planets.

(Each planet is unique in color, location, size, and shape, and is named accordingly)

Works Cited

"The Copernican Model: A Sun-Centered Solar System." The Copernican Model: A Sun-Centered Solar System. UTK, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

"Nanotechnology in Space." Nanowerk. Nanowerk, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

Bonestell. "Bonestell - Home." Bonestell. Bonestell LLC, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

"How Do Planets and Their Moons Get Their Names?" Starchild. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

"The Copernican Model(a.k.a Sun Centered)." Polaris Project Evening Star. Iowa State University, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.


  1. Hello Jessica,

    I enjoyed that you went over the way each planet had their own significance behind their name. The idea of space and art is represented through your explanations of the planets names and I think you did a good job at that.
    I liked your graphics as well, they went well along with your analysis on the lectures.

    Gabrielle Maurice

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Your post was a great read, especially the part about how the planets had relations to Greek mythology, and their significance in artistic history. Art has also played a huge role in astrology, which is the study of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Art in astrology is largely connected to constellations. For instance, the twelve zodiac signs and the horoscope wheel are based on the concept of time and space, with each of the twelve signs having their own constellations to represent them in the night sky. Another interesting concept is the Life Time Astrology Wheel of Life. The wheel involves a logarithmic time scale being superimposed upon the horoscope and is further subdivided into twelve developmental stages as a pattern of life through time. The positions of the planets describe events in life occurring at specific times from conception to old age, as well as archetypal and individual psychological mechanisms which determine character and behavior. Integrating the concept of biological time with astrology in the Wheel of Life creates a revolutionary picture based on mathematically derived principles, which is a valuable tool in psychotherapy, relationships, self-healing, and individual awareness for personal growth. Overall, Art has played a huge historical role in depicting the various aspects of Space, and the potential for Space Art to inspire humans will continue to grow.

    - Amanda Lim
    UID: 204189841
